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Improving Your linkedin profile

10 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out in 2022 – Part 2

Last month, we provided 5 suggestions on how you can make your LinkedIn profile stand out in 2022. Remember that a LinkedIn profile is a non-negotiable must-have for job seekers. The suggestions were:

  1. Add a headshot

  2. Create an eye-catching headline

  3. Craft an interesting summary

  4. Highlight your experience

  5. Use visual media

You can read the previous article here.

Now we’ll continue with the next five items that will help improve your LinkedIn profile and presence:

6. Customize your URL

Your LinkedIn URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the web address for your profile. The default URL will have your name and some random numbers and letters (e.g., Customizing your profile URL (e.g., makes your profile search engine friendly; therefore, you’re easier to find. A customized URL also invites the person searching to make some positive assumptions about you:

  • You’re detail oriented

  • You’re technologically savvy

  • You understand the power of perception (Image is everything!)

7. Make connections

The more connections you have increases the likelihood of being found. This is especially important when hiring managers and recruiters are looking for potential candidates with your background. Envision your number of connections as ‘the amount of gas in your tank.’

At the very least, you should aim to get over 500 connections. Anything below 500, LinkedIn will indicate your number of connections as an exact number (e.g., 368). Above 500 connections, LinkedIn simply shows you have 500+ connections. Getting to 500 implies you’re an experienced and motivated user on LinkedIn.

As much as possible, connect with individuals you know personally, have worked with, met in a professional capacity (for example, tradeshow or conference), is in your city/region and industry/profession. If you’d like to connect with someone you haven’t met, send a note with your request explaining who you are and why you’d like to connect.

8. Ask for recommendations and skill endorsements

This is vital to making your LinkedIn profile stand out in 2022! Employers want to know what others think of your work.

When asking for a recommendation or skill endorsements, think of all the people you’ve worked with in the past. Don’t just think of your past bosses; also think of colleagues, vendors, customers — anyone who can vouch for your work and professionalism.

Instructions on how to ask for (and give) a recommendation can be found by going to the LinkedIn ‘Help’ field (located by clicking on the drop-down arrow below the ‘Me’ icon in the upper right-hand corner) and typing: ‘Requesting a recommendation.’ Do the same for skill endorsements.

Tip: It’s good karma to write recommendations and endorse skills. The people you endorse or write recommendations for may just return the favour, and before you know it, you’ll have a whole library of top-notch recommendations!

9. Keep your profile active

LinkedIn is not simply an online résumé — it’s a networking social media site. To get the most out of LinkedIn, you need to be constantly active (at least three times per week). Write posts and articles. Check out what is being posted, especially by your connections. Like and share posts that resonate with you. Engage with thoughtful comments that’ll put forward your expertise.  

Join groups that align with your industry and professional interests. Groups are an excellent way to meet like-minded professionals with whom you can network and share ideas and best practices. 

10. Check your LinkedIn Profile Strength

It’s in LinkedIn’s interest that you’re successful using their platform. Therefore, they’ve created a ‘Profile Strength Meter’ to gauge how robust your profile is. Basically, this gauge tells you the completion level of your profile. Using the tips provided, keep adding to your profile until your gauge rates you “All-Star.” 

Here are some instructions on how to access your ‘Profile Strength Meter,‘ or you can use the LinkedIn ‘Help’ feature.

The 10 tips I offered are a starting point for building a LinkedIn profile that WOWs! Job seekers (like you) need to make the most of their profile to stand out in a sea of candidates, sell their skills, and validate their accomplishments. Make it easy for the reader to get a feel for who you are professionally.  

About the Author

Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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